Holding the board in both hands I lunge forward, springing off the soft sand, before landing stomach down. The board sails through the cool blue water, using my arms I begin to paddle, gently gliding across the liquid surface.
The sun, slowly rises to the east, evaporating the darkness, painting a picture with it's rays of colour, oranges, yellows, reds, fade into blue. Silhouettes of coconut tress, which give this break it's name, greet me with a wave.
Dawn at Coconuts, Midigama |
Alone, yet I am not alone, below fish scourer the reef, turtles surface for air and seagulls dive bomb the unsuspecting marine life, morning has broken.
Paddling, excitement rustles deep inside, I admiringly observe the rolling waves, like mercury, they creep along the seabed, mapping the depths before reaching the shallow reef and curling into the blue sky, breaking with a crash of thunder and a trail of white water.